Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:


Guitar 1
Electric Guitar (muted]

Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Acoustic Bass


All these bro ken pie ces left un glued Should ne ver find their way in to the hands of some one like you I'm in the da rk I'm a lone a round you (you) I've ne ver been here be fore No bo dy here to get me through (through) Oh, I'm in the da rk Eve ry mi nute shared is ne ver mine Fro zen in this fog and hi ding eve ry se cond in ti me I'm in the da rk I'm a lone a round you (you) I've ne ver been here be fore No bo dy here to get me through (through) Oh, I'm lo sing my faith in e ve ry way That points to you (you), Oh I'm in the da rk I'm a lone a round you (you), Oh I'm in the da rk The more bleak the day The less I be have as if E very thing black can wash a way Or can I just trade a dream for a way To peel back the shade be hind the grey? I'm in the da rk I'm a lone a round you (you) I've ne ver been here be fore No bo dy here to get me through (through) Oh, I'm in the da rk